Pursuit and tracking with dogs in Järna. One person apprehended.
A patrol responds to a car that is standing still on a traffic circle near a parked truck near the Järna traffic intersection. When attempting to conduct a control, the driver of the car leaves the scene and then drives at high speed on Highway 525 towards Hölö. The patrol initiates a pursuit and the car is found half a mile south of Stav, driven off the road and ended up on a field.
No one is left at the car and both a helicopter and a dog are deployed to find them.
After 40 minutes of searching, a dog patrol finds one of the individuals, a man in his 40s. In connection with the dog finding him, he is bitten, but is checked by an ambulance and is not deemed to be in need of medical care.
The police write reports on reckless driving, unauthorized handling, and attempted theft. The latter refers to an attempted theft of the truck in Järna where the car was first discovered.