Result of the police's work in traffic.
Under the morning, the police have controlled traffic in the county. Here follows a selection of the results.
08:44 Länsväg 1067 Malgomaj, Vilhelmina: Ten drivers were blown into the police's breathalyser instrument and all were sober.
09:40 E4 Stöcksjö, Umeå: 11 fines were issued for speeding violations. Two drivers had their driver's licenses taken away, one of whom was driving 119 kilometers per hour on the 70-mile stretch. A fine was also issued for a driving ban and to the driver of a quad bike who was driving without a helmet. One driver was reported for reckless driving.
10:00 E12, I20-området, Umeå: A few dozen cars were checked and all were without comment.
11:41 Länsväg 774 Falmark, Skellefteå: 16 drivers were blown into the police's breathalyser instrument and all were sober.